Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Beginning....

Well, I think it's safe to say this trip has gottan off to an interesting start, and I haven't even left for the airport yet! I had planned on sleeping a little later than usual, but I woke up to my phone going off this morning at 6.25AM (CST). The phone brought news of the London Tube/Bus bombings. Needless to say, it was quite shocking to see that happening in the city I'm going to be at in less than 24 hours!

However, as CCSA hasn't said otherwise, I am still going to London, and it seems that my flights will be on schedule! To the many people who called and texted me, Thank you very much for your concern! I really appreciate it.

Anyway, I'm pretty much all packed, save my carry-on bag...but that's because this laptop is going in that. Hehe, can't go without that!

It's weird that my entire life for a month is packed up in those two bags. And they're not bulging with clothes either!

This is so typically something a girl would do, but I had to plan my "outfit".....I think my Audio Adrenaline Worldwide shirt is appropriate, wouldn't you say? The whole "New York, Paris, London, Tokoyo" thing going on....after this month, I'll just need to visit the last one for my shirt to truly an "expression" of myself. Har har.

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So my plane from Dallas leaves at 3.46 PM. I fly to Detroit, and then my plane to Gatwick leaves about 9.40 PM, arriving in London Gatwick around 10.00AM their time. Since I'm not sure when I can get on the internet next (I hear there's plenty of cafes over there), here's what I'll be doing the first few days:

Friday 8 July: Arrive in London


Walking Tours


Saturday 9 July: Breakfast

Orientation mandatory for students & faculty

London City Tour

And then class starts Monday. Fun times. To family, I'll call Friday evening or perhaps Saturday, if I'm too tired. Goodbye for now!
