Friday, July 29, 2005

Vive La France? Um.....

Let's see. "Les Miserables" was AMAZING. Seriously. And Mom, please quit bothering me about Mary Poppins . I'm really going to try and go, alright?

Anyway, so we left London at 6AM to take the Eurostar to Paris. We got lunch at the train station, and embarked on a three hour bus tour of the town. It's quite pretty and I really liked it at first.

Then we arrived at the hotel and realized that Liz's bag- which had all of MY clothes in it, including my brand new denim skirt- was gone. Gone being stolen.

Soooo the rest of the afternoon involved going to the train station and attempting to communicate to the Lost Property people, failing at that (I can order food in french but blank out when it comes to other stuff, how pathetic), then going to a small police station and filing a report that took FOREVERRRRRR.

Came back to the hotel (which is right next to the Eiffel), and met up with some people and we obtained some "frites" and went on the tower! Unfortunately, the top deck was too crowded but we went on the second level, and stayed up there a long time! So beautiful. We left around 11 ish, got some crepes, and now are back here. I'm exhausted, and slightly annoyed about the lack of clothes.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


photos,out of order, from the past few days.


I've been so busy lately!

Tuesday = Wales. Pretty nifty place, but I wish we had stayed longer as the train ride was about 2 hours! But yes, it was fun. Saw a castle and stuff like that.

Wednesday = Class in the morning, then EU class was canceled, so I visited the Imperial War Museum, which was flipping awesome!!! Sorry I don't have time to elaborate, but I think I liked it better than the British Museum.

After that alot of people left campus, so me and some girl went on the London Eye, despite the rain! We got a bit lost but thankfully after 40 minutes, got redirected. And let me tell you, the Eye was pretty awesome. So glad I went on it, I didn't think I'd have time. AFter that, we took photos of Big Ben.

Today = three speakers for MB class, then a big group of us ate at the Texas Embassey in Trafalger Square. Surprisingly decent for Tex Mex! I bought a shirt. They actually had Dr Pepper there too. I know, amazing. Now I'm sitting in Leicester Square Gardens because there's about 5 wireless networks here. We just got tickets to see Les Mis tonight!! How exciting. Tomorrow I go to Paris, but I'm taking my computer so I might update. And put photos up because I'm SO behind on that. I'm sorry I'm sorry!

Monday, July 25, 2005

What a weekend!

I must say, this past weekend in Scotland has been one of my favorites so far (I keep saying that, but I really mean it!).

We arrived in Edinburgh (I can't pronounce it correctly- it seems only the Scottish can) via train about noon, and had a bus
tour around town. I was really tired so I didn't pay much attention, but the scenery was beautiful! It's like a cross
between Prince Edward Island and the mountains around Fort Davis. Really, that's all I can really compare it to. We stayed at
the University of Edinburgh, which was SOOO nice. Like a hotel really, as we all had our own rooms and our own bathrooms. Mind you,
King's College is fine enough, but this was REALLY nice. Belmont should take note. Oh, and my window's view of the town was great as well...

After dinner in their massive and tasty caf, a proffessor who used to teach at Duke spoke to us about Scottish literature that
we should read to "get to know the area". One of them was James Hoggs' "Confessions.." which I procured on Saturday. After that
lovely lecture, myself, Lindsey, Tara, Elizabeth, and Cassie decided to tackle Arthur's Seat, the mountain next to the dorms.

I'm not much of a climber, but I made it to the top, as did Cassie and Tara...the other two were slower but tehy made it later. At the
top was a white pillar thing that people could sign, but I didn't have a pen..ah well. the views were BREATHTAKING. But then
the sun set and it got chilly so we marched back (down an easier way) with another group we met uptop. Came back and hung out
at the Uni's bar/restaurant, where we discovered that the Homeless World Cup was being held in Ediburgh, and all the participants were
staying there! I wish I had seen it and gottan a shirt or something.

so on saturday we all got up insanely early (okay, 7 ish) to get in line for tickets to go into Edinburgh Castle. Good thing too, as the lines
got really long after we had gottan there. But yes, the castle is quite amazing. It's on top of a huge mountain hill thing, and
is still used by the scottish military and such. I took alot of photos there.

once we left that, we went to this Scotch Whiskey Factory where we thought about taking a tour but it was 9.50. Eeeeh not so much. But I did
taste some diluted whiskey and ew, that's gross. No thank you. Whew. Their restaurant, however, was quite quite good!

After that we did some souvenir shopping (I did some for friends) at those cheap places that exploit the local culture. I always feel
guilty shopping there, buuuut at the same time, I don't want to spend alot of money buying people stuff. It's like when I shop at WalMart- I hate
it and feel guilty, but hey, I'm a poor college student. har har.

I also went by a bookstore and checked out their travel guides to America. I'm always curious as to what books say about us, and one book that
told about whether or not one should live in America brought up an interesting point- that public transportation is nonexistant over there except
in a few major cities. And it's really true too. Most people in Dallas get around by car. If you don't have one, you're basically screwed. I like
relying on the tube and such here, but right now I really miss just hopping into my car, as you don't have to look out for suspicious packages
or take detours because they're still repairing the Circle Line or something.

Anyway, sorry about that tangent. Took a nap later on, then Tara and I met up with more people and ate at Edinburgh's oldest pub. I forget the name,
how lame is that? But I did have a GREAT meal called "Bangers and Mash"- sausages on mashed potatoes in an onion sauce. mmmm.

Sunday we had to be on the coach by 9 AM. Before we left Scotland, we were taken into the countryside and saw Sir Walter Scott's
Abbottsford mansion. If I could only go back to one place over here, it would be that place, because it's so beautiful. Unfortunately, I didn't
have my camera with me....I was sad about that, but oh well. I wish we could've spentmore time there, because the house had alot
of wood trails and picnic areas and such around it that I'm dying to explore one day.

After that we stopped in Melrose to look at a ruined abbey there. That was pretty nifty. After lunch at a place that had the slowest
service known to mankind (okay, maybe to just this American), we drove all the way back to town and embarked on our 5 our train ride back
with some drunk women in the back who were obnoxiously loud.

Still with me? Visited the Museum of London today with my EU class. Quite cool, I liked all the artifacts on display from the various
stages of London. or Londinium if you will. Man, this city is really older than I thought.

MB class...boring. hehe. I need to do laundry and homework tonight. That means skipping out on going to the Walkabout Australian dance club with Paul and Tam who keep nagging me to. hahah no thanks guys.

photos tomorrow, perhaps? or the next. or maybe tonight. I'm going to Cardiff, Wales tomorrow!