Wednesday, November 08, 2006

starbucks ho

I think I've been to Starbucks this entire week. NOT buying drinks, mind you, but taking advantage of the last 4 days of my t-mobile subscription. I'm not sure if I'm going to renew it. I might wait a couple of weeks so that it runs out right before I leave town.

So what've I been up to this past week? Well, I suppose I should rewind to last week. Where I last left off, I was about to go to the British Museum-- great place to wander around whilst listening to the iPod, let me tell you.

Friday night, I met up with Emily Yarborough, who goes to Belmont and is studying in Italy, as well as her roommate named Ashley. We got dinner at Garfunkels (always wanted to go there, it was pretty tasty!) then saw "The Queen". Fabulous film, absolutely fabulous. I'm not sure if it's out back home, but everyone should really try and see it.

Saturday, Diane and I got up early and took a train out to Canterbury to hang out with Liam and Karen! That was highly enjoyable, and included events such as sneaking into Canterbury Cathedral, being chauffered around by Helen, Liam's girlfriend, frolicking around a lake, trying to find a pub but no dice, and having an amazing mint hot chocolate and linzer cookie from Costa. I think Costa coffee might get the award for best hot chocolate in London...okay, well England.

A few photos from the occasion:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

you can see more here:

Sunday was quite fun as well. Everyone had huge firework shows going on, so I headed out to one in Victoria Park with Diane and her friend, Traci-- it was freakin' crowded. Although I must say, they were selling "brazilian donuts" which were really churros with fillings inside. Ohhhh myyy goooodness, it was amazing. But anyway, the fireworks were kind of cheesy as some kind of weird production was put on about a tiger and an emporer. I get that they're trying to cater to kids but it was quite stupid. But whatever the case, my roommate Emily + our neighbors AND Emily Y + her roommate + friend all were there too, so we met up and headed to a pub. That place was really crowded, so I went with Emily Y & co to hang out at a smaller one for a bit.

Monday, I met up for lunch with Emily Y and Ashley at Camden Town, which was very enjoyable. Camden has this area that has bunches of thai, chinese, and indian food that's about 3 pounds. And huuuge portions.

Yesterday was a pretty hectic day. I actually had "real" work at my internship (not that what I've been doing hasn't been real); aka, I had to work on some band's touring expenses to make sure they matched up to another spreadsheet thing. Thrilling, I know-- I felt like such a nerd for enjoying it. But anyway, I had the pleasure of eating lunch with ANOTHER Belmont friend, Ashley Stro! She's studying in Norwich, a town that's about 2 hours away from London. Twas really great to see her! After work, she and Emily Y, etc met up with me and my flatmates at Starbucks for a little bit.

Now it's Wednesday, and I am going to see "The Moon for the Misbegottan" at 2. I hope it's better than "The alchemist", as that was confusing a little dull. This weekend is going to be Brussels with Diane and staying with Eleanor! Should be a good time.