Saturday, October 21, 2006

a dash of wireless...

So my computer is picking up a sketch wireless connection in our flat, and I'm taking advantage of it to post an entry I just typed up...

Man, this week. It's been a doozy. Well, not really a "doozy", per say, but it's been busy.

Monday and Tuesday were intern days, so pretty active and interesting as usual. After work on Tuesday, I had to go see "Caroline, or Change" with my Theatre class at the Royal National Theatre. It was quite a good show,
I enjoyed it thoroughly! Although the soundtrack was 20 pounds to buy afterwards. Geeez.

Wednesday was class, then all the semester study abroad students were given FREE tickets to see "Spamalot", starring Tim Currey! Oh my gosh, it was hilarious. Our seats were uber-nosebleed but it was worth it, despite having
to watch the majority of the show through the binoculars for 50p. I'm not even a Monthy Python fan, but I was dying laughing. Definitely need to buy the soundtrack, and if anyone wants to buy me another ticket to go see it,
I'm all for it. Heh heh. Side note, they sold Spam sandwiches at the theatre, which was kind of gross if you think about it.

Thursday I had class all freakin' day long. It really wasn't that bad actually, and I really like only having each class once a week, but it can get a little tiring. I feel so unstudious though, because it seems that students
over here spend LOTS of time doing "independent learning", whereas I feel like I've barely cracked open a book. Nevertheless, I'm still learning, and I actually enjoyed my management class a little during the seminar part.

That night, Diane and Isaac (fellow study abroader) came over and the four of us (Bethany being the 4th) cooked a mean veggie curry. Quite delectable if I do say so myself. Then we watched "Death of a President" on Channel 4. In
case you hadn't heard, it's that "controversial" movie about what would happen if someone assasinated the President. When I initially heard about this show, I thought it was kind of wrong, as no matter how much one doesn't like
a leader, wishing them dead isn't right. (then again, I'm sure many people wish leaders of Iran or other countries they don't agree with dead, IE Mr Jerry Falwell concerning the president of a certain south american country). Anyway,
the movie wasn't "anti-bush" at all. In fact, it was quite different than any of us suspected. I still think the subject is a bit too morbid, especially while Mr Bush is still in office, but that's my opinion, and obviously
they have the right to make whatever they want (first ammendment, people). BUT, I do think Theatres in the states have the right not to screen the film if they so desire. But yeah, it WAS an intriguing film, although not what I expected.
Okay, I'll end this semi-political rant by saying that one part of the movie was hilarious because they had obviously super-imposed a mouth over Dick Cheney's and it was so campy that I was dying laughing.

Back on track, Morgan called me that and we talked for awhile! It's good to hear her voice, I miss her and Christy and all the nashville people a lot...

Friday I slept until NOON. Oh, it was glorious. Since Emily has a friend and her parents in town, she went off to hang out with them during the day, and Bethany and
I did some stuff, such as spend 45 minutes booking our trip to wales next weekend. After much searching, we managed to find tickets for just 42 pounds, compared to the 88 pounds we thought it'd originally cost! The only "problem" is that our train leaves thursday at 11 and arrrives in bristol at 1 AM, then at 6 AM we have a train to cardiff, then another train to wherever this thing is. Actually, we're kind of excited about our pending overnight train adventure...haha, it'll be interesting camping out in the train station.

After that, we decided to go walk around Hyde Park a bit. Of course on the way, they shut down the picadilly line for "an ongoing incident at Russell Square" about 20 minutes, so we were delayed finally getting to the park. Walked around awhile and took pictures (it's gorgeous), then decided to head back home for a shower and freshening up, as we planned on going to this awesome art thing I found on Time Out's website called "Paint Jam". Basically you pay 40 quid and get art supplies and food and drinks all night and just paint and socialize. It's pretty cool. The problem was that my hair was disgusting, and I needed a shower. Unfortunately, the tube stop we walked to was CLOSED, so we had to walk to Paddington, then wait forever for the Circle line, then caught the wrong bus from King's Cross back to Gray's inn needless to say, by the time we finally arrived in our flat, I had no time to shower, and we didn't want to even look at a bus or tube stop. So instead of going to the Paint Jam, Bethany and I
ordered amazing pizzas (and ate most of them) and downed pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Yes, terribly american of us. But whatever, after being stuck in rush hour for a zillion years, it sure as you-know-where made me feel tons better. (okay, so the ice cream and pizza really aren't sitting that well but mentally wise, it feels better).

alright...I'll update with photos later when I have a real connection!