Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
It's really entertaining that it's colder here in Nashville, TN (33 F) than it is in London right now (52 F). One always gets the impression that England is, in general, about on par with New England weather. Guess not.
Not like anyone reads this (no point, right now at least), but things are coming along with next semester. Right now I am having a bit of a fiasco with SUNY, as they posted the wrong day of departure on their official website. I bought a cheap, non refundable/nonchangeble ticket from British Airways, then realized that the date was the same day as registration at London Met. So I emailed SUNY twice. No response, but they changed the day of departure.
After spending almost an hour on the phone with BA, they will not let me change my ticket. So the question is A) Can I arrive two days later? I think this MAY be a possibility after all. B) If not, will SUNY or Belmont help fund another ticket, since it is the former's fault, essentially?
So, we'll see. I just feel bad because if it's "B", then that's 689 dollars down the drain. Oh well, c'est la vie.
One of these days I'll post about all the places I plan on visiting this fall. Quite a list going; might need help narrowing it down!